Current position:observation site > Sites > Cropland Ecosystem > Taoyuan


 Taoyuan station is located in Taoyuan, Hunan Province (28°55′N, 111°26′E) since 1978, belongs to Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. A flux tower exists in a paddy field (28°53'49.704"N, 111°24'37.872"E, altitude: 62.4 m) in Gaoqiao village. This station stands for a typical humid monsoon climate in subtropical region.


 Taoyuan station is belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, with mean annual temperature of 16.5 °C, mean annual precipitation of 1448 mm, frost-free period of 285 days,and average annual sunshine duration of 1530 hours. The extreme maximum or minimum precipitation is 2400 mm or 513 mm, respectively.

Vegetation and soil

 The dominant cropping system in the region is double rice, and artificial forest mainly include orange tree and tea tree. The underlying surface vegetation of the flux tower is the double rice. Canopy height of rice is ranged from 5 to 100 cm between transplanting and harvest. The soil is classified as paddy soil (FAO/Uneso:Hydrgric Anthrosols) which derived from quaternary red clay. The soil contained 33.1 g/kg organic matter, 0.179 % total N, 0.44 g/kg total P, 16.1 g/kg total K. The thickness of soil layer is beyond 100 cm.

Observation system

 This flux observation system consists of an ultrasonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell, USA) and a CO2/H2O infrared gas analyser (Li7500A, Li-cor, USA). The flux tower is 3.5 m in height. The ultrasonic anemometer, gas analyser are installed at 2.5 m, and the air temperature and humidity meter and radiation meter are installed at 1.5 m. the soil temperature and humidity meters are installed at the depth of 10 cm/20 cm/30 cm. The data sampling frequency is 10 HZ, and the flux results are averaged every half an hour. The new flux observation was started on May 29st, 2014.

Principal Investigator

Wenxue Wei


Station director


Assistant station director



Anlei Chen

Xingan Fu



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