Panjin Liaohe River Delta Aquaculture Ponds CERN is affiliated with National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center. The station locates at The Liaohe River Delta National Nature Reserve, Panjin, Liaoning Province, China ( 40°56′19.06″N,121°46′45.74″E,asl 8m ).
The region has a temperate subhumid monsoon climate.
The mean annual air temperature is 8.6°C, and it varies from −29.2°C in January to 35.2°C in July. The frost-free period about 171 days. Annual precipitation fluctuates about 631mm, and falls during June to August.
There is no vegetation under the flux tower.
Observation system
TThe flux tower was equipped with the LI-7500 Open Path CO2/H2O Analyzer and WindMaster Pro a three-dimensional sonic anemometer.
LI-7500A was installed at 5.5m height above the ground.
The raw data of LI-7500A at a frequency of 10 Hz, and the 30 min-average of flux and micrometeorology measurements were recorded.
Principal Investigator
Changan Liu E-mail: lcahit@126.com