Flux observation site of plantation in Xiaolangdi is affiliated with Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry. The station locates at Jiyuan City, Henan Province ( 35°01′45″N,112°28′08″E,asl 410m ). The vegetation type of the underlying surface of the flux tower is Warm temperate artificial deciduous broadleaved forest.
Continental monsoon climate.
mean annual temperature:13.4 ℃; mean annual precipitation: 642mm; mean annual potential evaporation: 1400m; mean annual sunshine duration: 2368h; Frost-free period:220-230d; precipitation is uneven and droughts occur frequently.
Vegetation and soil
The area surrounding the Flux Tower is a mixed forest of needle and broad-leaved trees, with a ratio of approximately 80:12:8 for Quercus variabilis, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Platycladus orientalis respectively. The canopy height is about 10.5m. The main vegetation on the forest floor includes Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa, Celtwas bungeana, Setaria viridis, and Ixeris chinensis.
The soil type on the forest floor is brown loam, with an average soil depth of about 0.4m.
Observation system
Infrared H2O/CO2 gas analyzer: installed at a height of 36m, model LI-7500A
Sonic anemometer: installed at a height of 36m, model CSAT-3B
Radiation sensor: installed at a height of 17m, model CNR-4
Wind direction and speed sensor: installed at a height of 5/8/11/14/18/26/32m, model Gill WindSonic
Air temperature/humidity probe: installed at a height of 5/8/11/14/18/26/32m, model HMP155
Automatic rain gauge: installed at a height of 36m, model TE525MM
Soil heat flux: installed at a depth of 0.05m, model HFP01SC
Soil temperature/humidity probe: installed at a depth of 0.10/0.20/0.30m, model CS650
The data sampling frequency: 10Hz, the average flux time: 30min
Principal Investigator
Jinsong Zhang
E-mail: zhangjs@caf.ac.cn