Huzhong boreal forest ecosystem research station was founded in March, 2004, sponsored by Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huzhong National Nature Reserve. It is located in the Huzhong National Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang province (50˚17'42˝ ~ 51˚56'31˝ N, 122˚42'14˝ ~ 123˚18'05˝E), which is the largest reserve for boreal forest ecosystem in China.
Huzhong boreal forest ecosystem research station was founded in March, 2004, sponsored by Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huzhong National Nature Reserve. It is located in the Huzhong National Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang province (50˚17'42˝ ~ 51˚56'31˝ N, 122˚42'14˝ ~ 123˚18'05˝E), which is the largest reserve for boreal forest ecosystem in China.
Vegetation and soil
The original vegetation type is boreal forest, dominated by Larix gmelinii. Other tree species include Betula platyphylla Suk. and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. The average forest height is about 15m. The main shrub species include Ledum palustre, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Rhododendron dauricum etc. The main grass species include Deyeuxia angustifolia, Carex appendiculata etc。
Observation system
Instruments relevant include 2 parts:CSAT3(Campbell,USA)and Li7500CO2/H2O(Li-cor,USA).
Flux tower (37m); Li-7500 Open-path eddy covariance system(35m); Automatic microclimate gradient observation system (air temperature and humidity(1.5, 15, 25 and 32m); Photosynthesis active radiation and net radiation(35m); Soil temperatures(0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30cm)).
Begining days: July 2006 to present, Sampling frequency:10Hz, Averaging time: 30min.
Principal Investigator
Guangsheng Zhou
E-mail: gszhou@ibcas.ac.cn